Building JS/CC for Your Platform

JS/CC is platform-independent software. The default build process creates runners for browser platforms (using PhantomJS for running as a script), Node.JS, Mozilla/Rhino, and Nashorn. JS/CC can be built on Windows, Linux, or other *nix platforms that support Node.js and Java 8.

Download Source Code

To get the source code, use git:

                      git clone

Install Prerequisites

Node.js and npm

Ensure that you have Node.js and npm. See for details. Building and testing JS/CC most recently used Node versions 4.4.3 and 5.10.1, but other versions will likely work also.


Ensure that you have Gulp version 3.x. See Gulp version 4.x may work but has not been tested.

Java 8

The build process uses Java even if you are not using any of the Java-based runners.

Ensure that Java 8 or later is installed and that the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the correct path of this installation. Builds and tests have been done with Oracle's distribution of Java 8. OpenJDK 8 may work but has not been tested.


Get Dependencies from NPM

From the root project directory, run:

                      npm update

Execute Gulp Task

To run the default build target, simply run:


The default build target downloads some additional dependencies, generates API documentation, and builds for the four platforms currently supported. To run tests, build first, then run:

                      gulp test

For other targets, see gulpfile.js.